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  • Natural Sciences & 数学

数学 Major & 小

The 数学 curriculum gives students technical knowledge along with a broad foundation of reasoning and analytical skills that can be applied to many fields. 毕业生可以 pursue graduate work in computer science or mathematics, teach in secondary schools, work as professionals in government and industry, or use quantitative and computing techniques in the natural sciences or social sciences. All students must master the relevant basic mechanical concepts necessary to perform the fundamental operations related to mathematics or computer programming. The learning environment places emphasis on reasoning, problem-solving, and communications skills. Students are required to make oral presentations in classes and at seminars and to write detailed papers and reports for regular classes and for their 高级顶点 projects.

Points of Distinction

  • Students do very well landing jobs in their field after graduation.
  • Students leave well prepared for graduate studies in mathematics.
  • We offer excellent preparation for secondary school teaching alongside the Education 部门.
  • Our major has built-in flexibility that allows students to more-easily double major in Computer Science, Economics, Chemistry, or Physics. We also have many students double major in Music, Art, Philosophy, and other disciplines outside of the Natural Science and 数学 Division.
  • Student input guides our special topic course offering. We recently taught History of Math by student request!


Opportunities in math in your first 一年    


I'm a first-一年 student. I might want to major in math. Which courses should I take?

You should make every effort to take at least MAT 111 and MAT 112 during your first 一年. Many of our upper-level courses in both majors require MAT/CSI 240 Discrete 数学, so we encourage prospective majors to take this course during their freshman or sophomore 一年. 


I took the 美联社微积分 exam. For which courses can I get credit?

A score of 4 on the AB exam gives you credit for MAT 111 Differential Calculus. A score of 4 or higher on the BC exam gives you credit for MAT 111 Differential Calculus and MAT 112 Integral Calculus.

If you don't have your AP grade by the start of classes, and you think you did well, here is our adivse for summer registration.  Since you can change classes during the first week of the semester, the main thing to keep in mind is to leave openings in your schedule in case you need to change classes. In most semesters, we offer a section of MAT 111 and a section of MAT 112 at the same time. Sign up for one of those sections to make the change easier.


I am searching for a course for 分布. Which course should I take?

The most popular courses for 分布 are CSI 104 Introduction to Game Design and MAT 104 Finite 数学. Another common course taken for 分布 credit is CSI 111 Computer Science I,  It is a first course in computer programming that many students find both interesting and useful. MAT 109 Statistics is a useful choice for students majoring in the social sciences. , Some courses outside the 数学 and Computer Science 部门 count for 分布, such as MUS 131 Music Theory I, and  BUS 109 Managerial Statistics. Be sure to check with your advisor and with faculty in the areas you might like to study to see which courses they recommend for 分布.