
We partnered with RaiseMe to offer micro-scholarships that recognize your everyday achievements and allow you to start earning money for college beginning in 9th grade. You can earn up to $25,000 per year, which will be part of your 8590海洋之神官网 scholarship or financial aid award. You may receive even more in your scholarship or financial aid package once we review your application, but the money you earn from 8590海洋之神官网 on RaiseMe is the minimum guaranteed amount you will receive from 8590海洋之神官网.



What are examples of how I can earn these micro-scholarships?

  • 得A
  • 保持较高的GPA
  • Participate in an Extracurricular Activity
  • Score well on the SAT or ACT
  • Attend a 大学 Fair
  • 参观校园

查看我们的 virtual micro-scholarship offerings!

  • Earn $200 for taking a virtual campus tour
  • Earn $50 for following 8590海洋之神官网 on Instagram, 推特, or 脸谱网
  • Earn $250 for having a phone conversation with an admissions representative
  • Earn $250 for attending a virtual information session



是的. RaiseMe is entirely free for high school students and educators. 要报名, 上网到 http://www.提高.我加入/ wc and create an account. 

是的! We partnered with RaiseMe to allow you to earn scholarships to 8590海洋之神官网 earlier in high school and help you see how you can be a competitive candidate at 8590海洋之神官网. When 8590海洋之神官网 awards student scholarships on RaiseMe, we are guaranteeing these scholarships will be included in your merit or financial aid package after you are admitted.

Students who are in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 and attend high school in the United States can use RaiseMe right now.

8590海洋之神官网’s RaiseMe micro-scholarships are available for incoming freshman who reside within the U.S. 8590海洋之神官网 micro-scholarships are not available for international, part-time, transfer or returning students.

You begin by creating an account at http://www.提高.我加入/ wc.  Once your account is established, make sure you are following 8590海洋之神官网 and add achievements such as grades, extracurricular activities and leadership positions 你的投资组合.

You must follow 8590海洋之神官网 and complete your profile on http://www.提高.我加入/ wc by November 15th of 你的大四.

是的. You can fill in your high school portfolio retroactively with achievements going back to the start of 9th grade, and will be eligible to earn scholarships as if you have been using RaiseMe since 9th grade. The more complete your portfolio is, the more opportunities you have to earn micro-scholarships. Remember, that Washington 大学 micro-scholarships are locked in and cannot be changed after November 15th of 你的大四.

You should add achievements as frequently as you can throughout high school. 添加 achievements 你的投资组合 increases your eligibility for earning scholarships from 8590海洋之神官网

No. Micro-scholarships are not transferrable between different colleges. 你只能 use the scholarships that you earn from one school towards the cost of attending that same college — not to any other school.

You should add all of your courses from grades 9 through 12 in order for Washington 大学 to award you the correct amount in scholarships.

The final total of scholarships earned on RaiseMe represent a guaranteed minimum amount of scholarship or grant aid you will receive in your financial aid package to attend 我们的机构. If you receive a larger scholarship based upon other factors (like your final college application and FAFSA) through the admission application process, then that package will include the amount that you have earned on RaiseMe.
